The Room


The Room is a 500 square foot space available for short-term rental at 2482 Maynard.
The Room aims to provide a wide variety of artists, arts and community organizations a flexible workspace for meetings, classes, workshops, and temporary project space.


The Room is currently booked until May 2022

Wonder’neath may have their Project Room Space available to meet your needs.
See their website for full details:

For bookings and inquiries about The Room contact:



Hourly rate (HST included) $48.38 / hr 
Half day (HST included) is $143.75  for 4 hours
Full day (HST included) is $287.50 for 8 hours

Weekly (HST included) is $537.50
Monthly (HST included) is $1128.75


Physical Details and Accessibility Notes: 

500 square feet 
2 large north facing windows
Fibre-Op High Speed Internet
Tables and chairs available, flexible layout
Kitchen available
Washrooms are all single stall and gender neutral. There is an accessible washroom on each floor
Baby change table on main floor
Close to bus routes: 2482 Maynard is one block from bus routes #2 and #3 on North Street and three blocks from bus routes on Gottingen Street including #7 
Bike rack at the front of the building
Parking lot - as available

Directly in front of the building is a large parking lot which can be used by visitors, with an accessible parking spot on either side of the lot closest to the building. The Room is on the second floor of 2482 Maynard. The accessibility lift to the second floor is accessed through the entrance on the right as you face the building. The main door is automated and equipped with an exterior button, which leads to an interior vestibule, followed by a second automated door to the main Wonder’neath studio space. While Wonder’neath is often a busy, bustling environment, all studio facilitators and staff will ensure that passages through the space are maintained and kept clear to the accessibility lift at the end of the main floor hallway.